Friday, October 4, 2013

[TRANS] Team B's Donghyuk letter to Leader Hanbin

Donghyuk's letter to Hanbin (B.I.):

In the beginning I was so lacking so I heard that you were worried a lot because of me. When I heard this, I was so sorry and yet thankful to you. When I blamed myself and gave up on myself, you would practice with me until dawn and said to me "What do you mean you can't do it?. You can do anything you set your mind 

to". Whenever it was hard or something didn't work out I think of your words and see you hyung and how hard you still work and gather myself up and try again. What it means to be a leader in hyung's eyes...I learn so much by watching you. What it means to be diligent.. you try your best for all of us and for the excellence of our performance yet try to keep the atmosphere light w/ jokes and in so doing, you draw out team B's charms. You are forever my leader and hyung who is like a friend. - From Maknae Donghyuk

[TRANS] Hanbin's response to Donghyuk's letter:

"I'm thankful for so many things but I'm speechless right now. Mostly I'm thankful that you followed me so faithfully. And I'm sorry. For everything. I'm just....I'm sorry for alot of things but I'm not gonna change and I'm just going to keep being sorry."

Jinhwan: "In the future, there will be a lot of hard times but let's keep trusting and depending on each other and overcome it all."

Cr/trans: Meishi @Jimeichu
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