Sunday, January 5, 2014

WINNER, Naver Star Cast’s Weekly Highlights & New Year special event [PHOTO]

[Mino] Is this the true way of off-shot. Taking pictures of himself after finishing the spa bath. If there is a… color version of the picture…It would be so awesome…It would be so awesome…

SEE ALSO: YG to debut WINNER & YG New Girl group in 2014

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[Taehyun] It was said that he admired numerous times while looking at a well-cooked ‘meat’! I do not see something like meat at all… I only see you, Taehyun~♫ 

 [Seunghoon] Getting make-up! Full shots are good but the zoomed in shots that are revealed once in a while is also right^^
 [Jinwoo] The oldest member Jinwoo, who needs lots of caring. He shows his deer-like eyes during the meal time! Photo by Mino is also a secret.
[Seungyoon] Time for dinner! Seungyoon, who makes things around him even brighter with a happy smile. Even looking at him makes us full so it is a decrease in appetite in a good way~
    “I love you, Naver. I love you, Starcast. Please love WINNERTV – Lee Seunghoon.”

“Happy New Year Always be healthy and I hope everything you do turns out well!” – Lee Seunghoon

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ~Chu Thank you for always cheering for us!! We “WINNER” will work a lot harder! Happy New Year! I love you WINNER MINO” - Song Minho

“Thank you for loving us” – WINNER Nam Taehyun

“Gwi Yo Mi [Cutie] Jinwoo 2013 is the year that we became WINNER. 2014 will be the year we will continue as WINNER. I’ll make it like that ^~^ Happy New Year. And please continue your limitless love and attention for WINNER. Thank you and love you always” – Kim Jinwoo

“WINNER LEADER Kang Seung Yoon Thank you for always loving us! Let 2014 be a year of happiness and health!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR” – Kang Seungyoon

Source: Naver Starcast 
Translations by: Naver, YG_WINNER

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